Present Address:
Position(s) applied for:
Employment Desired:
What days are you available to work?
What Date are you available to start work?
Do you have a current Driver License?
Driver License Details
Have you had any tickets or infractions within the last 3 years?
If yes, explain:
High School
College / University
Professional or Graduate School
Please list your work experience beginning with your most recent job held. If you were self-employed, give firm name. Attach additional sheets if necessary.
Name of Employer:
Business Address:
Details of last supervisor:
Job Duration:
Reasons for Leaving:
List the jobs you held, duties performed, skills used or learned, advancements or promotions while you worked at this company.
Do you have previous tax processing experience?
YesNo If yes, how many years?
Do you have a current PTIN?
Are you a notary Public?
YesNo If yes, what is your effective & expiration date of your appointment?
Are you an enrolled agent?
Do you have any management experience?
YesNo If yes, please list the nature of work. How Many Years? How many people did you manage at a time?
Have you ever worked for a commission based salary?
YesNo If yes, please list the nature of work. How Many Years?
Are you Bilingual/Multilingual?
YesNo List languages you speak other than English:
Are you currently employed?
May we contact your present employer?
Are you a current/past member of the Armed Services?
How many years did you serve in the military?
What military skills do you possess that would be an asset for this position?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
YesNo If yes, explain number of conviction(s), nature of offense(s) leading to conviction(s), how recently such offense(s) was/were committed, sentence(s) imposed, and type(s) of rehabilitation.
Have you ever been employed with TESOCO or any of its subsidaries?
If yes, when?
Do you have any friends or relatives employed by this company?
If yes, please provide their names and relationship to you.
Please list below three persons not related to you who have knowledge of your work performance and/or personal qualifications within the last 5 years.
All resumes must be submitted in PDF format.